Thursday, March 6, 2008

Live Blogging

Below is my first at liveblog with my students I'm following a lesson plan that I posted in my

I began class showing the students my blog and having them ask and answer questions. They were really engaged, looking over their resources to find the information. All of them!

Then I asked them to form groups to lead their own conversation tomorrow...they fell apart. I asked them to think of 3 points they wanted to make and what questions they want answered. Their goal was to "develop deeper understanding of what would cause a country to go to war against itself."

I need to think of another scaffold I should that tomorrow's presentations don't go wacko!

1 comment:

Joseph Miller said...

When you were live blogging was there a presentation going on too? A back channel live blog or a "conversation" medium?

I can definitely see how students would be successful constructing their understanding of issues. I think each time you do this with students it will get more powerful.