Sunday, March 2, 2008


What a weekend! I didn't do much work, I just prepared a few clicker questions to go along with a CSAP training presentation. However, today we managed to put in a new sink, garbage disposal and dishwasher. Really just wanted the dishwasher, but I guess it doesn't work like that!

I will admit that it feels a little weird to be so excited about kitchen appliances at 24, but hey whatever makes me happy ... right?

This week I plan to get alot of my data from my blog research analyzed. I think the biggest thing I'll find is that I needed more time to actually show any change in student performance. I will be able to say that blogs, just like any new tool has learning curve and must be taught to be effective. I teach textbook reading strategies, so why not teach blogging?

CSAP training tomorrow, hopefully the teachers won't be too mean to me! It is annoying to sit through the same presentation every year...hopefully free markers will make them a little nicer... and heck the clickers will make it interesting!

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